It's more like apps on my iPad and books read on Kindle--
Here's my top 10 favorite things for 2011:
1. My circle--from the One who watches over me to the ones who run next to me, without a doubt my circle is my number one favorite in my life. Not sure I'd even be standing up let alone moving forward and accomplishing things without my circle. My closest friends and family--their clothes smell like smoke because they've walked through the fire with me through times of trial and triumph. I am beyond grateful for each one of them.
2. My mentors and coaches--where would I be without those who have pushed me and nudged me. These wonderful people have helped me move past places I've been stuck, scared and overwhelmed. Any great strides I've made are because I've had people who have believed in me and told me I could even when I wasn't sure I could and so I did.
3. Our team--we have a virtual assistant for admin and bookkeeping, Sherry, and another assistant, Katherine, who is absolutely our girl Friday. These women make our lives so much easier and so much less stressful. If its not your strength or gift, if you don't absolutely love to do a task or know how to do it--best advice--outsource. Best in-house money spent!
4. It's the network--right up there with my circle--it's the place I've been received and respected and has been the catalyst for my learning and teaching. I'm so grateful to the connections I have.
5. Professional development--the money we invest in growth may seem outrageous to some but I wouldn't have it any other way. I use my trusted RLDT system and it helps advance me in my work and the marketplace every day--Read, Learn, Do, Teach.
6. My journal--when my kids find these after I'm gone they'll say, "That explains everything!" Seriously, this is the place I pray, cry, vent, dream, plan and imagine. It's not a 'Dear Diary, today I went to the store' of journal neither can it be something ‘I HAVE to write everyday’ kind do journal nor I wouldn't do it again. But I've been journaling since 1982 so I've got a chronicle of my whole adult life. Love it!
7. My iPad--0h my goodness, you gotta get yourself one of these. Hands down best tech tool ever!! My productivity this past year has been off the charts because of this one investment.
8. Books--the wonder and wisdom found in books from my tattered Bible that feeds my soul to my marketing books that infuse my head with new ideas for us to implement in our businesses. From paper pages to kindle pages, doesn't matter I just LOVE books.
9. Coffee--couple the above with coffee and I'm in my happy place. I cried when I heard Border's was closing. I always said if Borders was giving out degrees I'd have my PhD by now. Loved that place and absolutely learned a ton from the books I bought at Borders. Seriously if I had 50 bucks and only had two choices--clothes or books--I'd go for books. Guess that's reflected in my wardrobe but if you could see the closet of my mind!!
10. The beach-- there is just something about the sand and the waves that just pulls me in. I see the ocean and I feel peace. I'm struck with the majesty and faithfulness of our Creator and I just feel peace. Like a little kid, I scour the beach for shells and sea glass and drag my treasure home like gifts from the sea just for me.
I could certainly go on and I'm sure many of us share similar things that we just love. The point is we are blessed beyond measure and given more than we could ever ask or imaging Paul reminds us in Ephesians. We have gifts, in us and around us. Everyday gifts that bless us and encourage us and make our lives richer, even in the toughest of times.
I'd like to give you a gift called Open Everyday Gifts--30 Days to Discovery and Gratitude. You'll receive an email everyday for 30 days with a gift that is in you or around you. It will remind you of just how very rich and blessed you are and hopefully it will cheer and encourage your heart as you live and serve those around you each day. Please fill out this form if you are interested in receiving this gift.
At the time of year when we put so much emphasis on gift giving, I hope you'll enjoy the wonderful blessings and gifts that in you and right there around you right this very minute. No need for gift wrap, no need for hustle and bustle--just time to rest on the fact that all is calm and all is bright.
May you and your family enjoy the beauty of the season and the treasures you share in each other and those you've received from above.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and New Year that is beyond what you ever could have imagined!
Donna Duffy
3E Marketing Solutions