1. Remember your youth--Think of yourself as a kid. You were unstoppable. There really wasn't anything you didn't think you could do. What if you did that now? Push aside the objections and obstacles; all the hurdles in the way. You'll have what you need when you need it, so take imperfect act and just do it!
2. Follow your passion--It's so easy to put this on the back burner and go for the path of least resistance and or the tyranny of the urgent. Why not pursue your passions instead?If not now, when?
3. Live out your purpose-- You know what that is--the thing that makes you come alive; the thing you feel you were born to do or be.
4. Be willing to lose sight of the shoreline--That scary feeling when you can't touch the bottom. You're out in the deep. It's not as safe as it was and you have to keep swimming or sink. Which will it be?
5. Don't wait for permission or approval--No one is coming to tap you on the shoulder and tell you to get in the game. You have to decide it's worth pursuing and then step up and do it.
What do you want this year to look like? If it's worth doing, it will probably be scary so it will take fearless living to make it happen. Such an adventure! I wouldn't want it other way!
To your outrageous success!!